Satohiro Nakao, Kotono Ito, Chihiro Sugahara, Hitomi Watanabe, Gen Kondoh, Naomi Nakagata, Toru Takeo
Synchronization of the ovulation and copulation timings increased the number of in vivo fertilized oocytes in superovulated female mice
PLOS ONE,18,2,(2023)
Nakagata N., Nakao S., Mikoda N., Yamaga K., Takeo T.
Observation of the in vitro fertilization process in living oocytes using frozen–thawed sperm in rats
Theriogenology , 199, 69-76, (2023)
Takeo T., Nakao S., Mikoda N. Yamaga K., Maeda R., Tsuchiyama S., Nakatsukasa E., Nakagata N.
Optimized protocols for sperm cryopreservation and in vitro fertilization in the rat
Lab. Animal 51,256-274 (2022)
Nakagata N., Mikoda N., Nakao S., Nakatsukasa E., Takeo T.
Establishment of sperm cryopreservation and in vitro fertilisation protocols for rats
Scientific Reports ,10 ,1 ,(2020)
Meguro K., Komatsu K., Ohdaira T., Nakagata N., Nakata A., Fukumoto M., Miura T., Yamashiro H.
Induction of superovulation using inhibin antiserum and competence of embryo development in wild large Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus)
Reproduction in Domestic Animals ,54 ,12 ,1637-1642(2019)
Takeo T., Mukunoki A., Nakagata N.
Ovulation of juvenile, mature, and aged female C57BL/6 mice following coadministration of inhibin antiserum and equine chorionic gonadotropin
Theriogenology ,135 , ,1-6(2019)
Nakagata N., Takeo T.
Basic mouse reproductive techniques developed and modified at the center for animal resources and development (CARD), Kumamoto university
Experimental Animals ,68 ,4 ,391-395(2019)
Mukunoki A., Takeo T., Nakagata N.
N-acetyl cysteine restores the fertility of vitrified–warmed mouse oocytes derived through ultrasuperovulation
PLoS ONE ,14 ,10 ,(2019)
Takeo T., Nakagata N.
Mouse sperm cryopreservation using cryoprotectant containing L-glutamine
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols ,2018 ,6 ,422-428(2018)
Takeo T., Nakagata N.
In vitro fertilization in mice
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols ,2018 ,6 ,415-421(2018)
Nakagawa Y., Sakuma T., Takeo T., Nakagata N., Yamamoto T.
Electroporation-mediated genome editing in vitrified/warmed mouse zygotes created by ivf via ultra-superovulation
Experimental Animals ,67 ,4 ,535-543(2018)
Yoshimoto H., Takeo T., Nakagata N.
Dimethyl sulfoxide and quercetin prolong the survival, motility, and fertility of cold-stored mouse sperm for 10 days
Biology of Reproduction ,97 ,6 ,883-891(2017)
Nakagawa Y., Sakuma T., Nishimichi N., Yokosaki Y., Takeo T., Nakagata N., Yamamoto T.
Culture time of vitrified/warmed zygotes before microinjection affects the production efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knock-in mice
Biology Open ,6 ,5 ,706-713(2017)
Yoshimoto H., Takeo T., Irie T., Nakagata N.
Fertility of cold-stored mouse sperm is recovered by promoting acrosome reaction and hyperactivation after cholesterol efflux by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin
Biology of Reproduction ,96 ,2 ,446-455(2017)
Takeo T., Nakagata N.
Immunotherapy using inhibin antiserum enhanced the efficacy of equine chorionic gonadotropin on superovulation in major inbred and outbred mice strains
Theriogenology ,86 ,5 ,1341-1346(2016)
Nakagawa Y., Sakuma T., Nishimichi N., Yokosaki Y., Yanaka N., Takeo T., Nakagata N., Yamamoto T.
Ultra-superovulation for the CRISPR-Cas9-mediated production of gene-knockout, single-amino-acid-substituted, and floxed mice
Biology Open ,5 ,8 ,1142-1148(2016)
Horikoshi Y., Takeo T., Nakagata N.
N-acetyl cysteine prolonged the developmental ability of mouse two-cell embryos against oxidative stress at refrigerated temperatures
Cryobiology ,72 ,3 ,198-204(2016)
Takeo T., Nakagata N.
Superovulation using the combined administration of inhibin antiserum and equine chorionic gonadotropin increases the number of ovulated oocytes in C57BL/6 female mice
PLoS ONE ,10 ,5 ,(2015)
Nakagawa Y., Sakuma T., Sakamoto T., Ohmuraya M., Nakagata N., Yamamoto T.
Production of knockout mice by DNA microinjection of various CRISPR/Cas9 vectors into freeze-thawed fertilized oocytes
BMC Biotechnology ,15 ,1 ,(2015)
Takeo T., Horikoshi Y., Nakao S., Sakoh K., Ishizuka Y., Tsutsumi A., Fukumoto K., Kondo T., Haruguchi Y., Takeshita Y., Nakamuta Y., Tsuchiyama S., Nakagata N.
Cysteine analogs with a free thiol group promote fertilization by reducing disulfide bonds in the zona pellucida of mice
Biology of Reproduction ,92 ,4 ,(2015)
Takeo T., Fukumoto K., Kondo T., Haruguchi Y., Takeshita Y., Nakamuta Y., Tsuchiyama S., Yoshimoto H., Shimizu N., Li M.-W., Kinchen K., Vallelunga J., Kent Lloyd K.C., Nakagata N.
Investigations of motility and fertilization potential in thawed cryopreserved mouse sperm from cold-stored epididymides
Cryobiology ,68 ,1 ,12-17(2014)
Guan M., Bogani D., Marschall S., Raspa M., Takeo T., Nakagata N., Fray M.
In vitro fertilization in mice using the MBCD-GSH protocol
Current protocols in mouse biology ,4 ,2 ,67-83(2014)
Guan M., Bogani D., Marschall S., Raspa M., Takeo T., Nakagata N., Fray M.
Conservation of mouse models through embryo freezing
Current protocols in mouse biology ,4 ,4 ,205-227(2014)
Nakagawa Y., Sakuma T., Nakagata N., Yamasaki S., Takeda N., Ohmuraya M., Yamamoto T.
Application of oocyte cryopreservation technology in TALEN-mediated mouse genome editing
Experimental Animals ,63 ,3 ,349-355(2014)
Guan M., Bogani D., Marschall S., Raspa M., Takeo T., Nakagata N., Taft R., Fray M.
Contemporary techniques for freezing mouse spermatozoa
Current protocols in mouse biology ,4 ,3 ,85-104(2014)
Nakagata N., Takeo T., Fukumoto K., Haruguchi Y., Kondo T., Takeshita Y., Nakamuta Y., Umeno T., Tsuchiyama S.
Rescue In vitro fertilization method for legacy stock of frozen mouse sperm
Journal of Reproduction and Development ,60 ,2 ,168-171(2014)
Ishizuka Y., Takeo T., Nakao S., Yoshimoto H., Hirose Y., Sakai Y., Horikoshi Y., Takeuji S., Tsuchiyama S., Nakagata N. *
Prolonged exposure to hyaluronidase decreases the fertilization and development rates of fresh and cryopreserved mouse oocytes
Journal of Reproduction and Development ,60 ,6 ,454-459(2014)
Nakagata N., Takeo T., Fukumoto K., Kondo T., Haruguchi Y., Takeshita Y., Nakamuta Y., Matsunaga H., Tsuchiyama S., Ishizuka Y., Araki K.
Applications of cryopreserved unfertilized mouse oocytes for in vitro fertilization
Cryobiology ,67 ,2 ,188-192(2013)
Takeo T., Tsutsumi A., Omaru T., Fukumoto K., Haruguchi Y., Kondo T., Nakamuta Y., Takeshita Y., Matsunaga H., Tsuchiyama S., Sakoh K., Nakao S., Yoshimoto H., Shimizu N., Nakagata N.
Establishment of a transport system for mouse epididymal sperm at refrigerated temperatures
Cryobiology ,65 ,3 ,163-168(2012)
Donahue L.R., De Angelis M.H., Hagn M., Franklin C., Kent Lloyd K.C., Magnuson T., McKerlie C., Nakagata N., Obata Y., Read S., Wurst W., Hörlein A., Davisson M.T.
Centralized mouse repositories
Mammalian Genome ,23 ,9-10 ,559-571(2012)
Takeo T., Nakagata N.
Reduced glutathione enhances fertility of frozen/thawed C57BL/6 mouse sperm after exposure to methyl-beta-cyclodextrin
Biology of Reproduction ,85 ,5 ,1066-1072(2011)
Takeo T., Nakagata N.
Mouse sperm cryopreservation and effective embryo production using cryopreserved C57BL/6 mouse sperm
Journal of Mammalian Ova Research ,27 ,3 ,70-78(2010)
Takeo T., Kondo T., Haruguchi Y., Fukumoto K., Nakagawa Y., Takeshita Y., Nakamuta Y., Tsuchiyama S., Shimizu N., Hasegawa T., Goto M., Miyachi H., Anzai M., Fujikawa R., Nomaru K., Kaneko T., Itagaki Y., Nakagata N.
Short-term storage and transport at cold temperatures of 2-cell mouse embryos produced by cryopreserved sperm
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science ,49 ,4 ,415-419(2010)
Takeo T., Nakagata N.
Combination medium of cryoprotective agents containing L-glutamine and methyl-β-cyclodextrin in a preincubation medium yields a high fertilization rate for cryopreserved C57BL/6J mouse sperm
Laboratory Animals ,44 ,2 ,132-137(2010)
Nakagata N., Yamamura K.-I.
Current activities of CARD as an international core center for mouse resources
Experimental Animals ,58 ,4 ,343-350(2009)
Kaneko T., Fukumoto K., Haruguchi Y., Kondo T., Machida H., Koga M., Nakagawa Y., Tsuchiyama S., Saiki K., Noshiba S., Nakagata N.
Fertilization of C57BL/6 mouse sperm collected from cauda epididymides after preservation or transportation at 4 °C using laser-microdissected oocytes
Cryobiology ,59 ,1 ,59-62(2009)
Kaneko T., Kimura S., Nakagata N.
Importance of primary culture conditions for the development of rat ICSI embryos and long-term preservation of freeze-dried sperm
Cryobiology ,58 ,3 ,293-297(2009)
Takeo T., Kaneko T., Haruguchi Y., Fukumoto K., Machida H., Koga M., Nakagawa Y., Takeshita Y., Matsuguma T., Tsuchiyama S., Shimizu N., Hasegawa T., Goto M., Miyachi H., Anzai M., Nakatsukasa E., Nomaru K., Nakagata N.
Birth of mice from vitrified/warmed 2-cell embryos transported at a cold temperature
Cryobiology ,58 ,2 ,196-202(2009)
Takeo T., Hoshii T., Kondo Y., Toyodome H., Arima H., Yamamura K.-I., Irie T., Nakagata N.
Methyl-beta-cyclodextrin improves fertilizing ability of C57BL/6 mouse sperm after freezing and thawing by facilitating cholesterol efflux from the cells
Biology of Reproduction ,78 ,3 ,546-551(2008)
Kaneko T., Kimura S., Nakagata N.
Offspring derived from oocytes injected with rat sperm, frozen or freeze-dried without cryoprotection
Theriogenology ,68 ,7 ,1017-1021(2007)
Kaneko T., Nakagata N.
Improvement in the long-term stability of freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa by adding of a chelating agent
Cryobiology ,53 ,2 ,279-282(2006)
Kaneko T., Yamamura A., Ide Y., Ogi M., Yanagita T., Nakagata N.
Long-term cryopreservation of mouse sperm
Theriogenology ,66 ,5 ,1098-1101(2006)
Kaneko T., Yanagi M., Nakashima T., Nakagata N.
The improvement in fertilizing ability of cryopreserved mouse spermatozoa using laser-microdissected oocytes
Reproductive Medicine and Biology ,5 ,4 ,249-253(2006)
Kaneko T., Nakagata N.
Relation between storage temperature and fertilizing ability of freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa
Comparative Medicine ,55 ,2 ,140-144(2005)
Sakamoto W., Kaneko T., Nakagata N.
Use of frozen-thawed oocytes for efficient production of normal offspring from cryopreserved mouse spermatozoa showing low fertility
Comparative Medicine ,55 ,2 ,136-139(2005)
Nishizono H., Shioda M., Takeo T., Irie T., Nakagata N.
Decrease of fertilizing ability of mouse spermatozoa after freezing and thawing is related to cellular injury
Biology of Reproduction ,71 ,3 ,973-978(2004)
Suzuki K., Yoshimoto N., Shimoda K., Sakamoto W., Ide Y., Kaneko T., Nakashima T., Hayasaka I., Nakagata N.
Cytoplasmic dysmorphisms in metaphase II chimpanzee oocytes
Reproductive BioMedicine Online ,9 ,1 ,54-58(2004)
Kyuwa S., Nishikawa T., Kaneko T., Nakashima T., Kawano K., Nakamura N., Noguchi K., Urano T., Itoh T., Nakagata N.
Experimental evaluation of cross-contamination between cryotubes containing mouse 2-cell embryos and murine pathogens in liquid nitrogen tanks
Experimental Animals ,52 ,1 ,67-70(2003)
Nakatsukasa E., Kashiwazaki N., Takizawa A., Shino M., Kitada K., Serikawa T., Hakamata Y., Kobayashi E., Takahashi R., Ueda M., Nakashima T., Nakagata N.
Cryopreservation of Spermatozoa from Closed Colonies, and Inbred, Spontaneous Mutant, and Transgenic Strains of Rats
Comparative Medicine ,53 ,6 ,639-641(2003)
Kamimura E., Nakashima T., Ogawa M., Ohwada K., Nakagata N.
Study of low-temperature (4°C) transport of mouse two-cell embryos enclosed in oviducts
Comparative Medicine ,53 ,4 ,393-396(2003)
Okamoto M., Nakagata N., Toyoda Y.
Cryopreservation and transport of mouse spermatozoa at -79°C
Experimental Animals ,50 ,1 ,83-86(2001)
Nakagata N.
Cryopreservation of mouse spermatozoa
Mammalian Genome ,11 ,7 ,572-576(2000)
Nakao K., Nakagata N., Katsuki M.
Production of Chimeric Mice from Cryopreserved Blastocysts
Experimental Animals ,47 ,3 ,167-171(1998)
Okamoto M., Suzuki H., Nakagata N., Ueda O., Kamada N., Suzuki H.
Cryopreservation of Gene Disrupted Mouse Spermatozoa
Journal of Mammalian Ova Research ,15 ,1 ,77-80(1998)
Nakagata N., Okamoto M., Ueda O., Suzuki H.
Positive effect of partial zona-pellucida dissection on the in vitro fertilizing capacity of cryopreserved C57BL/6J transgenic mouse spermatozoa of low motility
Biology of Reproduction ,57 ,5 ,1050-1055(1997)
Nakao K., Nakagata N., Katsuki M.
Simple and efficient vitrification procedure for cryopreservation of mouse embryos.
Experimental animals / Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science ,46 ,3 ,231-234(1997)
Nakagata N.
Use of cryopreservation techniques of embryos and spermatozoa for production of transgenic (Tg) mice and for maintenance of Tg mouse lines
Laboratory Animal Science ,46 ,2 ,236-238(1996)
Suzuki H., Nakagata N., Anzai M., Tsuchiya K., Nakura M., Yamaguchi S., Toyoda Y.
Transport of Wild Mice Genetic Material by in Vitro Fertilization, Cryopreservation, and Embryo Transfer
Laboratory Animal Science ,46 ,6 ,687-688(1996)
Nakagata N.
Studies on Cryopreservation of Embryos and Gametes in Mice
Experimental Animals ,44 ,1 ,1-8(1995)
Nakagata N., Ueda S., Yamanouchi K., Okamoto M., Matsuda Y., Tsuchiya K., Nishimura M., Oda S., Koyasu K., Azuma S., Toyoda Y.
Cryopreservation of wild mouse spermatozoa
Theriogenology ,43 ,3 ,635-643(1995)
Nakagata N.
Cryopreservation of embryos and gametes in mice
Jikken dobutsu. Experimental animals ,43 ,1 ,11-18(1994)
Anzai M., Nakagata N., Matsumoto K., Ishikawa T., Takahashi Y., Miyata K.
Production of transgenic mice from in vitro fertilized eggs cryopreserved by ultrarapid freezing
Jikken dobutsu. Experimental animals ,43 ,3 ,445-448(1994)
Anzai M., Nakagata N., Matsumoto K., Takahashi A., Takahash Y., Miyata K.
Cryopreservation of in vitro fertilized embryos from transgenic rat by ultrarapid freezing
Jikken dobutsu. Experimental animals ,43 ,2 ,247-250(1994)
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Survival of mouse morulae and blastocysts derived from in vitro fertilization after ultra rapid freezing.
Jikken dobutsu. Experimental animals ,42 ,2 ,229-231(1993)
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Production of normal young following transfer of mouse embryos obtained by in vitro fertilization between cryopreserved gametes
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility ,99 ,1 ,77-80(1993)
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Cryopreservation of mouse spermatozoa from inbred and F1 hybrid strains.
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Cryopreservation of transgenic mouse embryos by ultrarapid freezing
Jikken dobutsu. Experimental animals ,42 ,3 ,467-470(1993)
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Cryopreservation of unfertilized rat oocytes by ultrarapid freezing
Jikken dobutsu. Experimental animals ,41 ,4 ,443-447(1992)
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Production of normal young following insemination of frozen-thawed mouse spermatozoa into fallopian tubes of pseudopregnant females.
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Embryo transfer through the wall of the fallopian tube in mice
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High fertilizing ability of mouse spermatozoa diluted slowly after cryopreservation
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Cryopreservation of spermatozoa of a transgenic mouse
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Takeshima T., Nakagata N., Ogawa S.
Cryopreservation of mouse spermatozoa
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Method of dissecting of ovarian bursal membranes using a bipolar coagulator in mice and rats
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Cryopreservation of unfertilized mouse oocytes from inbred strains by ultrarapid freezing.
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Cryopreservation of mouse strains by ultrarapid freezing
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Survival of 4-cell mouse embryos derived from in vitro fertilization after ultrarapid freezing and thawing
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High survival rate of unfertilized mouse oocytes after vitrification
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Survival of 2-cell mouse embryos derived from fertilization in vitro after ultrarapid freezing and thawing
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